
2017  - Interactive installation
Plumb line, Custom Software, tracking system, Screen, Interactive Sound

Oscillation is a mechanism for recording the variable and random movements created by a given effect in a certain space & time and making the invisible things visible and audible. There is a certain center as input, but the output always exists at different points and the centrality is not in the process of movement. The existence of a random point creates its own unique path in the process. This creates a continuously variable pattern system. This is actually a representation of the invisible time and flowing process. Based on this mechanism, we can predict that if we create the links between input and output with a flexible structure, the result is variable and dynamic. This gives us a holistic system where more possibilities can coexist.

Oscillation; It is a mechanism upon which the Plumb line moves between the different points and the possibilities according to the effect force applied by the audience within a given space & time and this movement is recorded by the tracking system positioned at the top of the installation. The time & position & motion data, which is recorded between different possibilities is converted into a form and sound that can be viewed and audible in real time with the help of the custom made program. This motion visualization is displayed by the viewers as a trace of movement by the screen positioned at the bottom of the Plumb line.

Concept and Design: Candaş Şişman
Creative coding and technical execution: Alper Kerpiççi
Thanks to: Marcus Graf, Melike Bayık, İskele 47, Pınar Akkurt, Orhan Kavrakoglu, Jerusalem Design Week