Kinetic Installation
200x195x150 cm
Vibration motor, Custom software and Circuit, Motion sensor, Plexi mirror, Iron plate, Aluminum, Spring

Transition is about how the evolutionary process of the past, the present and the future are perceived. Recitivism beyond man’s decentralization reminds us that humanity is only a fictional element in the evolutionary process and that it may not exist in the future. Rather than looking from a negative standpoint to this disappearance, it means that the loss of the human-centered world is a natural process of transition and a part of evolution. It reminds you that you are in a mutation process with non-human actors and that you have just been transformed into something else.

Transition; is an installation that occurs when 5 mirrors are vibrated at different intensities. With the vibration motors vibrating the mirrors, the audience sees their own image as a blurred pattern. The vibrational frequencies are different from each other, symbolizing the unreadable evolutionary periods of humanity in the deepest time. The mirrors that the viewer sees the most blurred copy depicts the past and future of mankind, and the mirror that he most clearly sees is the present time.

Concept and Design: Candaş Şişman
Creative Coding & Electronics & Technical Supervisor: Burak Öztürk
Thanks: Lalin Akalan, Pınar Akkurt, Ali Uzun, Osman Dede, Ebru Yetişkin
Supported by the Zorlu Performance Arts Center